Najla Fki is an Assistant Professor of English language and Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Safx, Tunisia. She got her MA entitled “Non-finite Clauses in Scientific Discourse: A Corpus-based Study of Medical and Social Psychology Papers” in 2012. She holds a PhD in Linguistics entitled “Adverbial clauses in legal discourse: A comparative study of International Treaties and Academic Legal Articles”. Her main research interests include corpus linguistics, systemic functional linguistics, genre analysis and academic discourse.
Her recent publications include:
- Fki, N. (2022). The law review paper between the kingdom of the law and the realms of academia: A systemic functional analysis of adverbial clauses. Discourse and Interaction, 15(1), 5-28.
- Fki, N. (2021). The expression of stance in research articles: A semantic study of verbal predication in nominal infinitival clauses. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 26(6), 58-70.
- Fki, N. (2021). Investigating humor integration in Tunisian tertiary English classes: A comparative study of teachers’ and learners’ perceptions. Advances in Language and Literary Studies (ALLS), 12(3), 127-140.